A post by Mel.
Today something happened to me: I had a random act of kindness bestowed upon me by someone who is well renowned in her field of Art – She is an accomplished respected artist, but she is much more than that to me – she is my kind, thoughtful, humbling, sincere friend – Susan Capan.
It’s amazing how close one can get to a person who they’ve never met in person but when you meet them in real time, you just know that when you wrap your arms around that person your heart is filled with love and glee.
Please indulge me and read my post in full. It would mean a lot to me and I know you will feel better once you have read it.
I choose to live my [ethos] life giving to those less fortunate. I love nothing more than making someone feel better, live better or just smile because they made it through the day. I have always known there are people out there like me but never expected someone to recognize me as that person who deserves to be ‘given’ that act of kindness. I am private, humble, live simply and organically and allow the universe to guide me – The wind blows me and I land where I land. When I land, that’s the place I’m needed.
There is a beautiful energy in our community called Drew Salem
Drew is a Cinematographer who runs a ‘free charity business’ called 100 acts of kindness https://www.100actsofkindness.org/about-me/
Drew does not know me, but he did an act of kindness by making a film for my friends business Susan Capan https://www.capanart.com/Capanart Mount Tamborine [for free] and Susan was to pay forward an act of kindness to someone who she thought was deserving. What Susan did was chose me to receive that act of kindness – She said you Mel; deserve this more than anyone I know.
With lump in throat and tears welling in my eyes, I stood in the middle of her Gallery with a heart filled with love, hope, faith and blessings that this person thought I was deserving of her gift of love and kindness. I never seek reward or recognition – I actually hide from it. It wasn’t just a gift of kindness though – it was a painting that Susan had made with love. A painting of a photo [of mine] I had taken of two simple white roses… she named it ‘The Roses’.
A connection has already been made now, between myself and Drew with myself being a photographer and [budding film maker] and a connection which has only grown stronger between myself and Susan. In Drew’s words… “There are always people worse off than you and a simple gesture can make all the difference to someone.”
I am paying forward my act of kindness: I am working with a very unwell gentleman who is 35 years old, a Lawyer and a proud man. He is suffering with a serious Neurological Disorder which is crippling. Chronic Tics; Seizures; Tremors and Night Terrors and Panic Attacks which would bring anyone to their knees. He can no longer work and has no income – It is my honor, pleasure and duty to nurse, care and hopefully heal him from his pain which I too do for free. My payment is seeing him get better – I saw him only today [for a check up] and told him, I will not stop helping him until he is well – that was my solemn promise. I ask those reading this to have quiet reflection today – alone – calmly and quietly. Please, if you can, do an act of kindness for someone. It doesn’t have to be extravagant; it could be just helping someone navigate through a door; leaving a note on a windscreen; giving that friend a call to check in or just smile at a stranger.
As Drew says: “As long as I can remember, I’ve had a freakish ability to slow down people’s split-second facial expressions to almost a frame, frozen in time, where it then just hangs there in my head as the person continues talking. That expression says so much more than words alone. It truly is a window to the soul. By freezing those expressions, I want others to see the hidden joy they can instill in others through a simple act of kindness.
Drew Salem
Love, Light and Blessings x