Tibetan Singing Bowls - Videography Gold Coast Brisbane 100 Acts of Kindness Films

In Unity of Sound - Slow TV

Promoting calmness of mind for greater clarity

Dan Turner is an energetic facilitator whom draws upon universal source energy to guide him in being able to assist others to restore energetic balance within the Self on various levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. This is principally done using the sacred sound signatures of antique Tibetan Singing Bowls and various vibro-acoustic instruments such as gongs and chimes, in conjunction with other healing modalities (reiki, light, colours, sacred geometry, and pranayama – breath work).

This short Slow TV film wasn’t just about filming Dan, but rather conveying how his sound signatures were doing their thing on everyone in the room, including myself trying to stay focused on filming! It was an almost giddying experience. Here is the film. You can find out more about Unity of Sound at unityofsound.com.au

Restoring energetic balance - to be united in sound and energy with all levels of existence

In Unity of Sound – The Movie

A mesmerising experience

United in sound and energy with all levels of existence.

100 Acts of Kindness Films – Beautiful, emotive and cinematic promotional movies film production from Gold Coast to Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast, Australia, filmed on premises and crafted in studio, to help spotlight your cause. Convey your passion through visual narrative thoughtfully penned to draw your audience to your organisation.

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